AI Replacing Physios 🤔...This will get you more new patients

Jul 20, 2024

I recently came across an intriguing article about AI being used for MSK injury triage instead of traditional referrals to a physiotherapist ( click here to read ) You've probably received countless emails on how AI can grow your practice, but did you know that AI in healthcare is one of the fastest-growing sectors for OpenAI?

Here’s why: AI excels when trained to perform specific tasks. In this case, it processes patient information and asks precise screening questions, already outperforming GPs in creating highly accurate differential diagnoses for MSK problems.

No surprises there, right? 🤷‍♂️ Hands up if you’d like a dollar/pound for every patient whose doctor wrongly diagnosed them with a frozen shoulder...while you watch them demonstrate full range of motion? ✋

Another article detailed a pilot where patients interacted with a digital physiotherapist. The results? 4 out of 5 reported improved symptoms, and 57% found it a better experience than an in-person appointment.

This email isn't a harbinger of doom for physiotherapy. On the contrary, I am seeing a marked increase in people searching for private treatment options in the UK and Ireland, Canada, USA, and Australia. In challenging economic times, more people NOT less, are willing to pay for fast, effective treatment to resolve their issues.

Here’s how this could positively affect you and your practice: If more people are accurately diagnosed earlier, that’s more people searching for hands on treatment options sooner than before. 

Is your clinic website ranking for sciatica treatment in your area? For plantar fasciitis treatment—or whatever conditions you and your team specialise in?

Don’t worry about AI replacing physios. Instead, focus on positioning your practice in front of people searching for the treatment for things you can help with

Want some help? Click here to find out how I work with clinic owners to do this.

Speak soon,


PS: If you skipped down here, rest assured: robots aren't taking your job. Instead, they're reducing waiting times and making it faster and easier for patients to find you. 🤖

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